Sunday 17 August 2008

Sunday 17 August 2008

Vicky and I cycled up to Mentmore as the Round the Hornes trial was taking place. Elite riders were setting off as we passed the Start beside the Stag public house, but I was taking the service at St Mary's and Derek Witchell was preaching.

After the service we enjoyed the stalls set up on the Green. There were preserves and cakes for sale, vintage cars on display in aid of the church tower fund, free espresso coffee, cycle spares, soft toys, panama hats for sale, and horticulture.

The weather was hot, but after lunch deteriorated. The afternoon was cloudy and cool. By the time Vicky and I drove back to London it was raining all the way.

Next week is the Notting Hill Carnival when local residents try and escape to the country to avoid the noise and the mess. We have always stayed at home, parked the car and not moved it until after Bank Holiday.  This year we will be able to remain at the Rectory.

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